Thursday, 25 October 2007

Nothing much

I sharply took in my breath as I walked out the door yesterday morning. Snow was on the mountains right behind our village. I thought, "This is going to be a cold winter." I haven't ever lived in the mountains before so the snowfall is really a novelty to me. You can see the pine trees with the snow surrounding them. I really could have stood there forever, but the girls needed to get off.
Our stuff finally came on Thursday. It has been so nice sleeping on my bed. We still can't find any screws to put the crib, etc. together. Filing a claim will be interesting for screws. I also made it to Ikea yesterday. I need to get some lights and long drapes. I struck out on both those items, but oh well. It was a fun trip.
My nephew should be here today! YEAH. Mom is doing great.
This past spring I got to have dinner with the Aviano Reunion Group. I laughed when they told me the hardest thing at Aviano is deciding where to go on your next trip. It is indeed true as we can't decide where to go for the T'giving holiday! Vienna or Salzburg. It is also someones very BIG birthday and our anniversary so... Any votes?

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