Saturday, 15 March 2008

Flower show

Last Sunday, Jacqueline and I went to the Pordenone flower show. It was just like a home and garden show back in the states. She had to dress the part including flowery underwear! Thankfully, you won't be seeing that. Note the flower shirt, flower coat, flower shoes and flower skirt!
She sat on tractors, looked in motorhomes, had a butterfly land on her and we got shoved around a bit (the Italians don't like lines). We purchased a lemon tree, some strawberry bushes and a basket.

Yesterday, one of my girlfriends who is leaving this summer took me a on a field trip. We went to a bunch of stores and saw a terrific artist who paints easter egg ornaments and the like. Easter Egg trees are big here. I now have one, thanks to another friend. My other girlfriends took me to a store in Sacile that will stuff a big chocolate easter egg for you! Yum and fun all at the same time.

We also had a fabulous lunch by a stream. The rosemary bread was fresh and tasted just like rosemary bread should (we also had good cheese and eggplant on the sandwich along with a bottle of prosecco). Yummmm.

Boo Hoo

Our baby is no longer a baby.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Friday - snow

The day after our beautiful day on Monday, it snowed. I was out trimming the roses lamenting that the snow on the mountains was gone.
I went to Italian the next morning then to a friend's house. I was only in there 2 hours and when I walked outside it had dropped 10 degrees and it was snowing about 3/4 the way down the mountain. I was just in disbelief and hadn't dressed the kids accordingly. This is what happens when you don't have the weather channel.
Yesterday, my girlfriend Cheryl, who speaks fluent Italian, took me to the big supermercato (grocery store) to show and tell me what to buy. Let's just say at the end of my shopping trip, I had 151 euros worth of groceries in my cart! Julia, pictured above, is enjoying the Nutella, which is available is the states. If you haven't had it, get it. Today. Like Bridget, another friend says, it is like crack for chocoholics. It is made in all sorts of containers here for portability.
My girlfriend Amy came over today and really helped make my house a home. I am going to miss her when she leaves this summer (as many of my terrific friends are). We drank Prosecco and hung pictures - kind of dangerous, but they look straight and no one was injured.
The other day my neighbor's dog got out. He is such a sweetie, but has a really big bark. I was yelling at him to go home etc. for at least 5 minutes then I realized, I was yelling at him in English. Ummm...yeah... he's an Italian dog like that was going to work. I really hope none of my neighbors saw this.
The same night I had taken Jacqueline's headband (hot pink and orange) from her, but I had no where to put it but on my head. Yes, I went around talking to people the rest of this night with the headband on my head.
Where is that Prosecco?

Monday, 3 March 2008

Nothing much - again

It is finally sunny and about 60 degrees! I trimmed my roses today and I've been cleaning out the garage. We've truly been in a fog here for two weeks along with some drizzle. My neighbor told me today that it is suppose to rain tomorrow and get cold (I thankfully understood it - whew!). Well, I'm glad we took the girls to the playground yesterday.

Julia is loving reading. She woke up this morning and did the sign for books and pointed to her shelf. I love love love that is all she wants to do. It's terribly pathetic as she crawls around the house with a book in her hand looking for someone to read it to her. Awww.

Jacqueline has announced that she will never kiss a boy because it is too slobbery. Michael was glad about this pronouncement. She is wrapped up with turning 4 this month. Jacqueline and I love pulling over at the flight line and watch the planes take-off. Last week, we watch a plane take off full of men and women going downrange.

She wears her princess dress G'ma Cercone gave her everywhere. It's now ripped so I must become a seamstress so the princess can wear it again. It's pretty funny watching the Italian's expressions when she goes everywhere (including the pizzeria) in this dress and tiara with matching shoes, of course.

We had a welcome home party for two people in Michael's office who just came back from Iraq. Please remember those who are serving - I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is. Both of these terrific people have kiddos they left behind for four months.

I'm signing up for ItalianIII. I have no reason why I should be doing this since 1/2 the time I can't remember how to ask "How much does this cost?" or I speak in French. Still tutoring, but I must try since I live here and Jacqueline will be fluent soon enough.